Note: Here's our weekly head to head column for you - it's a slow movie week but at least both of the guys matched up are sufficiently crazy। So who does Cargill have winning? The right guy of course! Read on and prosper.
Once again, it's a weekend battle of head-to-head stars. And this week is a real battle of the juggernauts! In this corner, wearing the silk robe pajamas we have sultan of cool, the "Continental" himself, Christopher Walken. And in this corner, wearing a jumpsuit and a spray painted Captain Kirk mask, we have noted psychopath Michael Myers. You know the rules. Let's drop the cage. Two men enter! One man leaves!
In the box office this weekend: Winner = Myers
People love comedies, but this movie has too big a name and too large a curiosity factor to be passed up. With Rob Zombie directing this re-imagining of one of the most well known boogiemen of all-time (and the one who kicked off the slasher film era), audiences around the world are waiting with baited breath to see how this Halloween pans out. Walken on the other hand is starring in the film all my friends are rolling their eyes about. I've been having to say "Come on, Patton Oswalt is in this!" just to retain any cred for wanting to see it.
In the critical arena: Winner = Walken
Christopher Walken is critic proof. The man was in Gigli for the love of all that's holy, and critics still said, "Well, at least Christopher Walken showed up for five minutes." He can be forgiven for anything. Michael Myers seems to be critic proof in that nothing seems to be able to stop him, not bullets, explosives or negative reviews. They just seem to keep pumping out sequels. But the critics are ready to pounce on Zombie and Myers for any number of reasons, while they are all ready to talk about Walken being the best part of whatever Balls of Fury turns out to be.
In their careers: Winner = Walken
Myers may be an immortal boogeyman, but he had to kill like 100 people to achieve that. Walken just had to ask for more cowbell (on Saturday Night Live).
In a contest of who is creepier: Winner = Walken
Myers has a mask and I think I could spend five minutes alone in a room with him. Walken on the other hand scares me. A lot.
In a fight: Winner = Myers
Okay, so Walken can dance, he can act and he's funny as all get out. But Myers could carve him up like a butterball and serve him stuffed. Sorry, Chris. This one goes to the big man. The REALLY big man.
Winner = Walken
He may not be the spirit of evil or have killed dozens upon dozens or even win the weekend. But he's Christopher Freaking Walken. And we love him.
C. Robert Cargill - - - Email Me
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